Department of Computer Science Royal Holloway, University of London

Home » People » Kostas Stathis » Research  » Join Us

Interested in joining our lab?

PhD Students

We have vacancies for PhD students in the broad area of distributed artificial intelligence and agent-oriented computing (see also areas of research and my recent publications). Applicants should have (or will obtain) a first/upper second class degree from a high quality institution.

If you are motivated and committed to pursue a PhD in distributed artificial intelligence or agent-oriented computing, then you can apply online from here. In your covering letter, indicate your preferred theme of study (if you have one) and give an indication about why you want to do a PhD here at Royal Holloway with me. If you have a preferred theme, with your application please include a 4 page proposal discussing the motivation, aims, objectives, and proposed plan of the envisaged research. Your proposal should also contain the most relevant literature of the proposed thematic area.

Please note that there are Departmental scholarships advertised here.


The lab often has (or likely to have) Postdoc positions in the broad area of distributed artificial intelligence and agent-oriented computing. These positions are normally advertised here. If you have published in good quality journals/conferences and are motivated and committed to carry research in the thematic areas of the lab, then please contact me. In your covering letter, indicate your area of expertise and why you want to come and work here at Royal Holloway with me. I would be unable to process your application, if any of this information is missing.

Visiting Researchers

If you have your own funding and you wish to visit us, then please email me with your most up-to-date CV and a research proposal. The proposal should discuss in 4 pages the motivation, aims, objectives, and proposed plan for the work you wish to carry out. Your proposal should also contain the most relevant literature of the area you would like to research on. In your email also explain why you have chosen to spend your visit at Royal Holloway with me. I would be unable to reply to your request if any of this information is missing.

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Last updated: Thu, 08-May-2008 18:19 GMT / KS
Royal Holloway, University of London, Egham, Surrey TW20 0EX
Tel/Fax : +44 (0)1784 434455/437520