GTSP instances

Here you can download instances of the Generalised Travelling Salesman Problem that were generated from TSPLIB by applying the clustering procedure of Fischetti, Salazar and Toth (see M. Fischetti, J.J. Salazar González, P. Toth "A Branch-and-Cut Algorithm for the Symmetric Generalized Travelling Salesman Problem" Operations Research 45, 55-67, 1997).


All files are in .tar.gz format

File format

File format is an extension of the TSPLIB format. It differs from the original format in the following respects:

  1. The TYPE entry is set to "GTSP" or "AGTSP" for symmetric and asymmetric instances of GTSP respectively (similar to "TSP"/"ATSP" in the original TSPLIB format).
  2. New entry GTSP_SETS: M (where M is a positive integer) defines the number of clusters in this instance. This is used in conjunction with GTSP_SET_SECTION defined below.
  3. New section GTSP_SET_SECTION defines which nodes belong to which clusters. This section contains exactly M entries, where M is the number of clusters (see GTSP_SETS above). Each entry has the following format:
    m v1 v2 ... vk(m) -1, where m is the cluster number (clusters are numbered from 1 to M), and v1 v2 ... vk(m) are vertices comprising cluster m (vertices are numbered from 1 to N).
Instances are named using the following convention: "Xname", where "X" is the number of clusters and "name" is the name of the original TSPLIB instance.

Example (4br17.gtsp):

NAME:  4br17
COMMENT: 17 city problem (Repetto)
 9999    3    5   48   48    8    8    5    5    3    3    0    3    5    8    8    5
    3 9999    3   48   48    8    8    5    5    0    0    3    0    3    8    8    5
    5    3 9999   72   72   48   48   24   24    3    3    5    3    0   48   48   24
   48   48   74 9999    0    6    6   12   12   48   48   48   48   74    6    6   12
   48   48   74    0 9999    6    6   12   12   48   48   48   48   74    6    6   12
    8    8   50    6    6 9999    0    8    8    8    8    8    8   50    0    0    8
    8    8   50    6    6    0 9999    8    8    8    8    8    8   50    0    0    8
    5    5   26   12   12    8    8 9999    0    5    5    5    5   26    8    8    0
    5    5   26   12   12    8    8    0 9999    5    5    5    5   26    8    8    0
    3    0    3   48   48    8    8    5    5 9999    0    3    0    3    8    8    5
    3    0    3   48   48    8    8    5    5    0 9999    3    0    3    8    8    5
    0    3    5   48   48    8    8    5    5    3    3 9999    3    5    8    8    5
    3    0    3   48   48    8    8    5    5    0    0    3 9999    3    8    8    5
    5    3    0   72   72   48   48   24   24    3    3    5    3 9999   48   48   24
    8    8   50    6    6    0    0    8    8    8    8    8    8   50 9999    0    8
    8    8   50    6    6    0    0    8    8    8    8    8    8   50    0 9999    8
    5    5   26   12   12    8    8    0    0    5    5    5    5   26    8    8 9999
1 4 5 -1
2 1 2 3 10 11 12 13 14 -1
3 8 9 17 -1
4 6 7 15 16 -1

Page maintained by Alexei Zverovitch (e-mail). Last modified: Sat May 18 14:40:52 GMT Daylight Time 2002